Server administration

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Within this category, we will discuss various aspects of server administration, such as configuring, monitoring, optimizing and securing servers. We will also provide advice on choosing hardware, operating system, management and monitoring tools.

Administracja serwerami.

Terms used for server administration packages

We listen to our Clients' needs, which is why we have prepared an article explaining key concepts related to server administration. Whether you're just starting your journey with technology or...

Jak monitorować infrastrukturę i serwery w firmie? Poznaj narzędzie do monitorowania - Zabbix.

Monitoring tool: Zabbix – What is it and how to use it?

Are you wondering how to effectively monitor your IT infrastructure? Do you want to instantly detect hardware failures, network overloads, or database issues? I think Zabbix might be the ideal...

Server with administration

Full-time administrator or outside services?

Considering the choice of server administration model for your company? This is a crucial decision that will impact the security and continuity of your IT systems. Find out whether it's...

Server with administration Qlos

Server with administration. Which one to choose?

When we think about conducting online business, one of the most crucial decisions we need to make pertains to choosing the right server. When opting for a dedicated server, especially...

Zdalny admin. Remote admin.

Remote Admin. What is the remote administration?

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, choosing the right form of IT system management can be a significant challenge. That's why more organizations are opting for the services...

Migracja do chmury obliczeniowej w software house

Does the cloud need to be feared? Migration in Software Houses

In today's rapidly evolving world of technology, Software Houses face the challenge of adapting their services to changing market demands. One key trend gaining significance in recent years is cloud...

optymalizacja usług it dzieki managed

Optimize IT processes with Managed Services

Seeing the word optimization, my first association is speeding up and improving operations. For me, this is a key element, especially in a properly growing company. Business process optimization is...

zdalny administrator w qlos

Remote admin – learn about the types of services that enhance data security

The remote systems admin service is aimed at companies looking for ways to optimize their business in terms of technology. The admin's goal is to identify system errors as quickly...

Problem z utrzymaniem projektu klienta – oczami Software House

Customer project maintenance problem – through the eyes of a Software House

The Software House industry is primarily engaged in the development of dedicated applications and customized software. As a result, development teams focus on meeting clients' needs and completing projects within...

Administracja serwerami dla software house

Server administration for Software House

Learn about server administration at Software House Many companies choose to support their it infrastructure through external services. Listening to the current needs of customers in Software House enterprises, we...

Kampania sprzedażowa w pigułce – czyli jak przeprowadzić kampanię sprzedażową w 5 krokach

Sales campaign in a nutshell – or how to run a sales campaign in 5 steps

Internet sales have taken over the market. The popularity of e-commerce stores has grown so much that in order to run an effective sales campaign, it must be carefully planned....

Na czym polega administracja serwerami sklepu internetowego?

Online store administration. An unnecessary addition or the benefits themselves?

Opening an online store is no easy challenge. In addition to promoting products, posting them on the website or acquiring new customers, we have many other responsibilities that we don't...

estonia miasto w chmurze

Store breakdown. Can it be avoided?

Server failure is one of the worst scenarios that can happen to a thriving business. Websites, applications and other resources put on the same server stop working. How to deal...

awaria strony

The site is not working. What could be the reason?

How often do you come across websites that don't work? What do you do in such a situation? Do you keep refreshing the site until you get there or do...

Przeciążenie na stronie

Overload on the page. How to solve performance problems?

Are you the owner of an online store? How often do you have a problem with your site's server? Is every error resolved in a flash? Or, are you constantly...

Outsourcing IT czy administracja serwerami

IT outsourcing or server administration?

Directing technological activities is not an easy process. Even more so when the IT team you work with deviates from your expectations. After all, we know that process optimization through...


Revolution in the e-Commerce market | Coronavirus

Information in the PMR report says that the value of the e-Commerce market in 2020 was 88.7 billion PLN. Senuto, on the other hand, reports that in Poland alone, at...

zarządzanie serwerami 24-7

24/7 server management

When you buy a server, you can't leave it unattended. You need continuous monitoring to provide comprehensive and continuous protection for your infrastructure. Trouble-free operation of the service is a...

coś więcej o cloudflare

Something more about Cloudflare

CloudFlare is a very popular tool because underneath the pleasant and intuitive user interface are many features that protect our web application from numerous threats. An additional advantage of Cloudflare...

Problemy wydajnościowe

Performance problems of online business? Find out how to prepare for them. Black Friday.

Being the owner of an online store, you need to be prepared for any emergency. Whether it will be caused by server load or lack of site optimization. Is it...


Ansible – rapid deployment of services

What is Ansible? Ansible is a tool used to automate administrative processes, orchestration and configuration management. It is agentless, which means that no agent needs to be installed on client...


Server administration. What is it and why should you use it?

When using the Internet, have you come across the phrase "server administration"? If so, have you wondered what it actually is and what benefits it can bring to you and...


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