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How can we help you with AWS technology?

Audit and optimization

Through audit and optimization services, companies can identify areas that need to be optimized and receive recommendations for reducing costs and improving efficiency. It’s ideal for companies struggling with inefficient cloud infrastructure.

Migration to the cloud

AWS cloud migration is an essential tool for companies looking to move their applications and data from traditional infrastructure to the cloud. With comprehensive solutions and migration experience, companies can significantly speed up the transfer process with minimal risk and downtime.

Administration of resources

AWS Resource Administration is a solution that helps companies manage their resources in the cloud. With resource administration services, companies can effectively monitor and manage their resources and maintain the performance and availability of their applications.

We will configure any AWS service

Amazon Web Services is a leading provider of cloud services. With the quality of its services and its approach to customers, it has been conquering the cloud market for many years. However, what is an advantage is also a disadvantage for many. The number of AWS services is so large that without the right knowledge, we are not able to use their potential.

That’s why, we offer you our support. We will take care of your resources on Amazon Web Services. We will take full responsibility for the care of the environment. Whether you need support in configuring basic services such as Amazon S3, EC2, IAM, VPC, RDS, EKS or advanced configuration of several services, we will take care of it.

As part of the AWS cloud infrastructure, we offer you:

  • Migration,
  • Automate processes,
  • Infrastructure design,
  • Audit of current solutions,
  • Cloud infrastructure management and administration,
  • Create Backup and Disaster Recovery Policies,
  • Increasing the level of accessibility and security,
  • Optimize the environment for the resources consumed,
  • Cost optimization.

Thanks to our experience, we offer you the possibility to modify the offer to suit your needs.

AWS Partner. Select Tier Srvices.


Accessibility and correctness of operations

The operation of the AWS cloud like any other server must be supervised. Without this, we can quickly encounter problems that will translate into the operation of the entire company. As cloud specialists, we will take care of configuring your entire account, as well as just individual AWS services.


We monitor your environment 24/7. In case of unexpected failures, they are found and resolved immediately. As a result, the security of your service is definitely increased.

Flexibility and cost optimization

A correctly configured AWS service allows you to achieve full flexibility and efficiency in your operations. Scaling resources is more efficient, and the amount of space is matched to the amount of data stored.

Cost optimization

The complexity of AWS services allows you to operate and control costs. In Amazon’s cloud, constant optimization of spending, as well as the selection of appropriate billing models, are the cornerstones of each environment’s architecture.

audyt infrastruktury qlos

Hiring Qlos to handle your AWS account can be not only beneficial, but also necessary for companies that want to take full advantage of the platform’s potential. By executing services externally, you will gain expertise and experience, scalability, cost optimization and, above all, security. Our activities are based on best practices that solve problems such as:

  • The large costs incurred to support AWS cloud computing,
  • Lack of understanding of the AWS account and services,
  • Lack of available time resources to support AWS services,
  • Lack of a dedicated team of specialists,
  • The scalability of the business and, above all, the lack thereof.

Mostly questions asked

AWS offers a wide range of cloud services, including data storage, cloud computing, databases, analytics services, artificial intelligence, networking, developer tools, security and much more. We will find the right service for your business.

Payment for AWS services is based on a pay-as-you-go model, meaning you only pay for what you actually use. Costs are estimated via a special calculator available on the AWS website. If you don’t know how to use it, get back to us. We can help.

Yes, AWS offers infrastructure management tools such as AWS Management Console, AWS CLI and AWS CloudFormation. They allow us to manage your AWS account, as well as entire environments hosted in the cloud. Learn about our service responsible for administration.

Amazon Web Services, known as AWS, is a cloud platform offered by Amazon. AWS was launched in 2006, initially as a platform for the company’s internal needs, before being released to the public as a cloud service in 2008. Since then, AWS has become a market leader in cloud services, offering a wide range of services that allow for cloud storage and processing, application development, data analytics, artificial intelligence, as well as many other functionalities. AWS is available in several regions around the world, and the number is growing. The platform is used by many companies around the world, both small and medium-sized enterprises and large corporations.

The benefits of using AWS are numerous. Here are some of them:

  1. Flexibility and scalability
    AWS allows users to customize their infrastructure to meet current business needs. This allows companies to scale their infrastructure as the number of users increases or decreases to achieve optimal performance.
  2. Security
    AWS offers advanced security tools and features such as data encryption, virtual private networks, identity and access management, as well as tools for monitoring security threats and events.
  3. Cost reduction
    With AWS, companies do not have to invest in their own infrastructure, which can be costly. Instead, you can pay only for the actual consumption of resources, which reduces costs significantly.
  4. High availability
    AWS offers high availability through the use of multiple regions and availability zones, which minimizes the risk of system interruptions.
  5. Automation
    AWS offers many tools to automate various infrastructure management tasks, saving time and resources.

Yes, AWS is scalable. This is one of the biggest advantages of the cloud services offered by AWS. This means that customers can easily and quickly increase or decrease resources, depending on their business needs.
AWS offers flexible solutions that allow customers to scale their infrastructure as their website or application traffic increases or decreases. AWS automatically adjusts resources such as computing power, disk space and memory to ensure the right level of performance.

Yes, AWS offers a wide range of network services that enable customers to create and manage a network of their cloud applications and services. Among other things, AWS offers network services such as Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), which allows you to create private virtual networks isolated from the public network on AWS. Customers can also configure routing and security for their VPCs.

Other network services offered by AWS include. Elastic Load Balancing, Route 53 (DNS service), AWS Direct Connect (direct connection between customer data centers and AWS) and AWS Transit Gateway (extension of VPC network to multiple accounts).


Contact with us

We will assume responsibility for operations in AWS.