
Multi-cloud environment – hybrid or combination of several clouds?

Kamil Porembiński Kamil Porembiński

Companies are taking advantage of the cloud because of its many advantages in streamlining operations and all internal processes. Compared to other solutions available on the market, cloud computing often becomes the best solution. Not only does it accelerate the digital transformation process, but it also brings numerous benefits in the form of increased security, lower costs or faster execution of activities.

The cloud environment can take many forms. There are three types available:

  • private cloud
  • public cloud
  • hybrid cloud

In addition, we distinguish between types of cloud computing such as IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service, PaaS – Platform as a Service and SaaS – Software as a Service, among others. Different clouds provide different benefits and a different range of possible activities for the enterprise. Many enterprises are unable to choose just one type of cloud because of different needs due to market changes. In such a case, the ideal solution is the so-called. multi-cloud environment model.

What is a multi-cloud environment?

A multi-cloud environment is a solution that combines multiple clouds. Companies by increasing and individual needs are trying to select solutions that will be comprehensive services for each department. When migrating an entire environment, choosing one type and type or even cloud provider is often impossible due to the different types of application and software. Moving all systems to the cloud must be a process that follows certain rules. With different environments, migration is not always smooth and fast. In some cases, it is more strongly developed due to the more complex nature of external applications.

That’s why building the entire system on which the company will be based is the best solution in terms of organization. Only one platform is used, where corporate activities are performed without delay, and access to the cloud is unlimited in time and place. As a result, cloud providers offer many combinations of services, making it uncomplicated to deploy and manage turnkey applications, administration systems or billing systems.


Enterprises are using cloud computing primarily for the many benefits it offers. With a multi-cloud environment, the pluses can be just as many or even much more. The complexity of the environment, including the number of types used, types of cloud and its service providers gives the company more independence. Separation of services among providers affects greater certainty for businesses using cloud computing.

Storing data with several service providersalso increases their level of security. In case of unwanted failures, data restoration is done in a faster and more efficient manner. Lack of downtime is an important factor in the operation of any business.

Another important argument is to increase the company’s capabilities. Using several cloud solutions enables faster and more efficient operations within the company. The lack of need to buy additional software and proper optimization of services contributes to a decrease in spending on IT departments.

Operating in a multi-cloud environment has another important advantage. Working in several types of cloud, tasks are performed flexibly along with full availability, and the load on services is negligible.

The benefits we get from the cloud are primarily up to us. We are the ones who choose the types, types and service providers. Proper configuration, connection and management of cloud services can produce an excellent result, in the form of a trouble-free, automated and less expensive working environment.

Why use Multi Cloud?

A multi-cloud solution is an excellent choice for companies that want to use a variety of functionalities of individual infrastructures, thus becoming independent of only one cloud provider. Connected environments mean access to differentiated functions or services of individual cloud solutions. This provides the company with a number of additional benefits and a more tailored offering at a competitive price.

A multi-cloud environment is also an assurance of a high level of security and protection against the loss of business-critical data. Using different environments improves the performance and smoothness of the company’s operations, even in the event of a local failure of one of the components. In addition, cloud features such as resource scalability allow the site to automatically adjust its resources to the current needs of the site, so that even in the event of a hack attack, the site will avoid being overloaded and will still be available to users.

Multi-cloud also allows for exceptional flexibility and efficiency. With a choice of different providers, operating in different regions, we can locate computing resources as close as possible to the end customer, thus minimizing any delays.

Regulations are also an important aspect. Today, companies are required to physically store corporate databases in specific locations. The cloud environment, thanks to its specifications, allows you to choose a provider in the most suitable region.

Another aspect worth mentioning is vendor lock-in. This is a situation in which the user becomes dependent on a particular service provider. Companies outsource application maintenance to a single cloud provider that initially fully meets their needs. However, over time, the proposed offering may change, making the previously used infrastructure inadequate. In such a situation, dependence on a particular cloud provider can negatively affect business, and trying to move to a new environment can prove costly and time-consuming. The use of several cloud providers avoids this problem. With resources located in several places, application migration is much simpler, while at the same time with increased security and smooth operation.

Hybrid cloud, and multi-cloud environment

At first glance, the way hybrid cloud and multi-cloud environments work are very similar. However, they differ significantly in their IT infrastructure models.

How then does the hybrid cloud work? It includes a public cloud environment as well as a private cloud environment with compatibility between the two. In this case, we are talking about an identical structure with a unified way of managing and appointing services. Combining the advantages of both solutions is the ability to easily transfer loads (resources) between them, thus optimizing costs. These measures help unify the management and organization of processes, providing great control over confidential enterprise data.

Multi cloud can be described as a way of using public cloud from different providers within completely different technological environments using the same tool. Multi-cloud solutions are heterogeneous infrastructures with a uniform way of invoking higher layer services on them. Using cloud services allows a company to improve the efficiency of its operations and optimize its internal processes.

In choosing the type of cloud environment, technical aspects are important, but also the company’s awareness of its specific needs. However, it is worth bearing in mind that the use of multi-cloud enables the hybrid cloud to become part of a multi-cloud environment at the same time.

If the intricacies of the multi-cloud environment are still not entirely clear to you, don’t worry. At Qlos, regardless of the type of infrastructure, we deal with any environment. We are a close-knit team of specialists who can handle any challenge. We will take care of your business security, high availability, cost optimization, or backup of the enterprise database. You take care of developing your business, and we will take care of the rest.


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