
Flexibility and scalability of cloud services

Damian Szewczyk Damian Szewczyk

When you hear the word flexibility and scalability, is your first association cloud computing? It is a very good association, because it is thanks to the cloud that achieving these properties is possible, but not only thanks to it. In today’s post, I’d like to introduce you to what scalability and flexibility of cloud computing is. What they are, how they affect services and with what solutions we can achieve them.

Flexibility and scalability are features we desire in the development of any application. Today it is difficult to imagine the development of modern software without their participation. They have a huge impact not only on the functioning of the application, but also on the user experience, flowing out to the effective fulfillment of customer needs.

By scalability and flexibility of cloud solutions, we mean an always-available solution that, at the moment of increased traffic, e.g., on a site, appropriately increases the resources of virtual machines in order to correctly and quickly serve any number of visitors. When traffic decreases, the size of IT resources flexibly decreases as traffic decreases, providing cost optimization and better allocation of available resources.

In summary, the flexibility and scalability of the service is automatic adaptation to changes. Regardless of the situation, the cloud changes its parameters in real time, so we are not exposed to additional costs, service slowdowns or dissatisfied customers. As we know in today’s business, it is extremely important to take care of, the highest possible level of customer satisfaction.

Flexible services through Managed Services

As it turns out, it’s not just cloud services that can bring the benefits of flexibility and scalability of resources. Managed Services, also known as Administration and Managed Services, is a solution that addresses the most important needs of users, ensuring high availability.

Managing server infrastructure is not only about improving server performance, ensuring a high level of security, creating backups or reducing expense levels. It’s also about adjusting the computing power of the infrastructure as part of ongoing changes. As your business grows, so does your need for resources. Based on Managed Services, service providers adapt the server environment to market changes while taking into account your individual business needs.

When planning for growth, process automation is also important. It is thanks to her that Managed services are characterized by flexibility and scalability. With the right configuration, your resources change their volume when the service load changes.

Customized services to meet individual customer needs

Unfortunately, sometimes server management alone is not enough and a change in infrastructure will be inevitable. An ideal example of an infrastructure that has scalability and flexibility of services written into its features is the cloud. It is through it that you will get a highly available application the fastest, on a server environment that automatically changes its parameters with the changing situation.

Using cloud computing also has other advantages that make it compare much more efficiently with classic infrastructures. One of them is the lower failure rate of the equipment. The service provider guarantees a high level of data availability, even in the event of natural disasters. The use of the cloud is overly convenient, providing wide access to the data center, regardless of where you are at the moment. We are limited only by our own equipment and the quality of the network we use. Another plus is the creation of additional infrastructure elements, whenever we need them. By using the cloud, we increase the level of competitiveness of the company. Standard processes are performed more efficiently, they are not repeated, communication between departments within the company is streamlined, thus costs and any additional investment are optimized accordingly.

Cloud Computing I Managed Services

The ability to combine cloud computing with Managed Services allows for much better results. First, you get rid of the worries associated with running a cloud. The Admin team is responsible for all configurations, providing you with an optimized working environment. Secondly, you are assured of the correctness of the actions performed, thanks to the constant monitoring of the Administrators.

Proper management of cloud resources is extremely important, even more so if you are a cloud beginner.

A better choice

It all depends on the needs you have at the time. Pointing to one service will work well for one company and will be misplaced for another. Both solutions provide better performance for services or applications. The use of the cloud may involve a transition from a different environment, which may raise additional concerns. The Managed service does not require moving to another environment, and activities are performed in the current server environment, using the full potential of the services.

However, in some cases, server administration may not be applicable, and moving to the cloud will be a necessity. In such a situation, moving to the cloud and using Managed services will have a double effect. You will get security, performance, flexibility and scalability. The cloud itself is already a lot of benefits from the user’s point of view, and combining them with managed services will bring additional benefits, the use of which will highlight the total potential of the business.


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