Do you have trouble choosing a server?

We'll help you!

We’ll suggest a server that fits your needs and take responsibility for server administration.

Which server is the best?

We don’t know. It all DEPENDS on your needs. We’re not tied to any server provider. We’ll choose the best place for your store, website, system, or application. Additionally, we’ll compare available offers on the market and present you with the most attractive one.

You don’t need to have knowledge about servers. Just tell us your needs. All we need is: “I’m opening a clothing store and need support.” We’ll arrange the rest during a free consultation.

Why choose a server with administration?

The server is the heart of your business. Your website, application, or store is hosted on it. Thanks to it, you provide space for your customers to place orders or submit inquiries.

Now, imagine your website stops working. The outage is so severe that the support available from the server provider or your IT specialist isn’t enough. We’re not just talking about waiting for a response; as you know, time is money. That’s why you need server administration support. External partners will not only react to the outage but also fix it.

administracja serwerami qlos
Server IT - managed services

How do we work at Qlos?

At Qlos, we operate around the clock, with administrators focusing on the smallest details of infrastructure. Here are a few reasons why you should consider our server administration support:

  • Flexibility
    Maintenance, development, design—all the competencies you need for IT infrastructure growth in one place.
  • Data Security
    How often do you hear about data breaches? Incorrect server security is a common cause. At Qlos, we won’t allow this. We’ll watch over your server 24/7.
  • Rapid Response to Failures
    Our team of administrators reacts immediately to any failures, minimizing potential losses and ensuring continuous server availability.
  • No Vendor Lock-In
    Don’t become dependent on a single provider. Having all services in one place poses a significant risk. At Qlos, we’ll take care of your servers, even if they’re hosted by a completely different provider.

Do you manage your servers on OVH/Hetzner/Aruba/Home/Name?

Yes, we manage servers with every provider mentioned: OVH, Hetzner, Aruba, Home, and Nazwa. Our clients have servers with most Polish and international providers.

It’s also worth mentioning that by entrusting server administration to Qlos, you transfer the contact with the server provider as well. When an issue arises directly with the server, we strive to take over the communication to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

Server with administration

Customers who trust us

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Discover package prices

Subscription package
qBASIC The work of administrators 2 hrs/month Package price from 550 PLN net per month
  • Server monitoring 24/7/365 with automatic response to failure
  • Dedicated Administrator support in case of failure during business hours from 8:00 to 18:00
  • Basic server and service monitoring
  • Administrator response to failure during business hours from 8:00 to 18:00
  • Standard tickets handled during business hours from 8:00 to 18:00


The package also includes:

  • Backup
  • Installation and configuration of the server
  • Operating system updates
  • Updates to services running on the server and the server itself according to current practices
  • Constant monitoring of the server
Best choice
qSTANDARD The work of administrators 4 hrs/month Package price from 1400 PLN net per month
  • Server monitoring 24/7/365 with automatic response to failure
  • Dedicated Administrator support in case of failure 24/7/365
  • Extended server and service monitoring
  • Administrator response to failure 24/7/365
  • Standard tickets handled during business hours from 8:00 to 18:00
  • Capability for scheduling and executing planned tasks 24/7/365


The package also includes:

  • Backup
  • Installation and configuration of the server
  • Operating system updates
  • Updates to services running on the server and the server itself according to current practices
  • Constant monitoring of the server
  • Cost analysis of IT environments
  • Configuration of elements purchased from external suppliers
  • Business analysis supporting infrastructure development
  • Technical advice
Subscription package
qPREMIUM The work of administrators 10 hrs/month Package price from 2500 PLN net per month
  • Server monitoring 24/7/365 with automatic response to failure
  • Dedicated Administrator support in case of failure 24/7/365
  • Customized server and service monitoring
  • Administrator response to failure 24/7/365
  • Standard tickets handled during business hours from 8:00 to 18:00
  • Capability for scheduling and executing planned tasks 24/7/365
  • Response time to failure within 1 hour

The package also includes:

  • Backup
  • Installation and configuration of the server
  • Operating system updates
  • Updates to services running on the server and the server itself according to current practices
  • Constant monitoring of the server
  • Cost analysis of IT environments
  • Configuration of elements purchased from external suppliers
  • Business analysis supporting infrastructure development
  • Disaster Recovery policy formulation
  • Technical advice
  • Onboarding of implemented solutions
  • Infrastructure development according to client needs
  • Dedicated customer care
Individual package
qCUSTOM The work of administrators Any number of hours Package price selected individually

Each of the parameters of the offer is individually tailored to your needs.


Do you have questions? Get in touch with us!