
Infrastructure monitoring with Zabbix

Kamil Porembiński Kamil Porembiński

In today’s dynamic business environment, where technology plays a crucial role, monitoring servers and IT infrastructure has become an essential element in maintaining the stability, performance, and security of systems. One of the most popular tools for this purpose is Zabbix. It is open-source software that offers advanced monitoring and resource management features.

To discuss monitoring, let’s start with the basics. From this article, you will learn what monitoring is, what capabilities Zabbix has, and whether it can help your company.

What is infrastructure monitoring?

IT infrastructure monitoring is the process of continuously tracking and analyzing various elements of the technological environment. This includes servers, applications, network devices, and even non-standard resources such as refrigerators in stores or pharmacies, production machines, conveyor belts, or surveillance cameras – basically any element of your company. The key goal of infrastructure monitoring is to ensure continuous availability, performance, and security of systems, minimizing the risk of downtime and failures, and increasing organizational efficiency.

Zabbix and its capabilities

Zabbix is a sophisticated monitoring tool that enables the collection, analysis, and visualization of data related to the performance and availability of IT infrastructure. Its advantages include flexibility, scalability, and ease of configuration. With Zabbix, users can monitor various resources, collect data from different sources, and analyze them in real-time. Key capabilities of Zabbix include:

  • Performance parameter monitoring
    Zabbix allows tracking various performance indicators such as CPU load, memory usage, or network throughput. This enables administrators to quickly identify potential issues and take appropriate actions.
  • Monitoring physical parameters
    In addition to performance parameters, Zabbix provides the option to monitor physical parameters such as device temperature, room temperature, power measurement, or power consumption.
  • Automatic notifications and alerting
    Users can configure alert rules that automatically notify of any failures or problems. This enables quick response and minimizes the impact of irregularities on organizational operations.
  • Report generation and data analysis
    Zabbix facilitates generating detailed reports and analyzing historical data, aiding in understanding trends and identifying potential issues. This enables making more informed decisions regarding IT infrastructure management.
  • Scalability and flexibility
    Thanks to its modular architecture, Zabbix can be easily customized to different environments and user needs. It can monitor both small, local networks and large, distributed infrastructures.

Benefits of infrastructure monitoring using Zabbix

Monitoring infrastructure with Zabbix brings several benefits that contribute to effective management of IT resources and increase the stability and security of systems. The most important ones include:

  • Remote resource management
    With Zabbix, it’s possible to quickly detect and respond to failures and problems in IT infrastructure. Administrators can remotely monitor various resources and take appropriate actions as needed.
  • Cost savings
    Early detection of voltage fluctuations or overheating of key machine components is cost-effective. The sooner we detect a malfunctioning air conditioner or other malfunctioning device, the sooner we can make appropriate corrections, without unnecessary searching for the specific issue.
  • Security
    Zabbix enables monitoring activity and detecting potential threats, contributing to increased security of IT infrastructure. This allows for quick response to attacks and minimizing the risk of data loss or security breaches.
  • Time savings
    Automatic monitoring and reporting of data using Zabbix allows administrators to save valuable time and focus on strategic tasks. There’s no need to manually check the status of all resources, saving many hours of work.
  • Reduced need for continuous control
    By monitoring infrastructure using Zabbix, it’s possible to automate many monitoring and problem response processes.

Examples of infrastructure monitoring applications

Don’t know what you can monitor? Look at examples.

Monitoring temperature in refrigerators in stores or pharmacies

In grocery stores and pharmacies, maintaining the correct temperature in refrigerators is crucial for preserving the freshness and safety of food products and medicines. By monitoring temperature using Zabbix, employees can receive alerts in case of abnormal values, allowing them to react quickly and prevent potential losses. Additionally, analysis of historical data helps identify trends and patterns, enabling optimization of cooling processes and reducing energy consumption.

Monitoring server and application performance in a business environment

In a business environment, the performance of servers and applications is crucial for the smooth operation of business processes and customer satisfaction. Zabbix enables monitoring various performance parameters of servers, such as CPU usage, RAM memory, and network load.

By monitoring application performance, administrators can identify potential issues such as overloads or performance declines, allowing for quick response and system optimization. Additionally, monitoring detects unused servers, making it easy to identify and delete them, which greatly benefits IT costs.

Zabbix also has the ability to react independently to problems 24/7. This way, there’s no need to hire an additional IT team, resulting in greater savings.

Monitoring temperature and humidity in warehouses and production halls:

In the industrial sector, maintaining appropriate environmental conditions is crucial for preserving the quality and safety of products and ensuring the proper functioning of production processes.

By monitoring temperature and humidity using specialized sensors and monitoring systems, companies can prevent damage to goods, ensure optimal storage conditions, and minimize the risk of moisture and corrosion in machinery and equipment.

Monitoring energy consumption in manufacturing plants

Electricity consumption represents a significant cost in industrial operations. Monitoring energy consumption allows companies to identify areas of excessive consumption and take actions to reduce it.

By collecting data on energy consumption from various devices and production machinery, companies can analyze consumption patterns, identify areas of potential savings, and monitor the effectiveness of implemented cost-saving measures.

Monitoring the condition of machines and equipment in factories

In the manufacturing industry, machine and equipment failures can lead to significant production downtime and costly repairs.

By monitoring the condition of machines using sensors and remote monitoring systems, companies can track machine operating parameters such as temperatures, pressure, rotational speed, or fuel consumption. This enables quick detection of potential problems and prevention of failures through planned inspections and maintenance.

Monitoring production quality using vision systems

To ensure high product quality, companies often use vision systems to monitor production processes and control the quality of manufactured products. Vision systems can automatically analyze images and identify defects or irregularities in the product, allowing for quick response and minimizing the number of defective products. Additionally, monitoring production quality enables companies to improve production processes and introduce enhancements, resulting in increased efficiency and competitiveness in the market.

Examples of increased efficiency and savings through infrastructure monitoring

Infrastructure monitoring allows for the identification of unnecessary resources and their optimal utilization, resulting in financial savings. By analyzing data on energy consumption or resource performance, organizations can implement measures to increase energy efficiency and optimize resource usage. Additionally, quick detection of failures and potential problems minimizes downtime and costs associated with data loss or system performance degradation.

The examples presented demonstrate the various applications of infrastructure monitoring in practice and how the Zabbix tool can support organizations in maintaining high availability, performance, and security of their systems, while also contributing to financial savings and increased operational efficiency.

Qlos Specialists Support

Implementing and configuring Zabbix monitoring can be time-consuming and require specialized knowledge. Therefore, we offer technical support for the implementation and configuration of infrastructure monitoring services. Our experience and expertise can significantly facilitate the implementation process of Zabbix and ensure optimal configuration tailored to the individual needs and requirements of users.


Monitoring infrastructure using the Zabbix tool is a key element of effective IT resource management and increasing the stability and security of systems. With its advanced features, Zabbix enables effective monitoring of various resources and quick response to any potential issues. Qlos support can further facilitate the implementation and configuration process of Zabbix, allowing users to focus on achieving strategic business goals. Through IT infrastructure monitoring, companies can manage their resources more effectively and increase their competitiveness in the market.


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